About Us

I am Natalia Weber: Designer;
Founder & Creative Director of Zurich-based Fashion House and Brand Accessories Natalia Weber NW, established in 2022; author of the first NW Haute Couture Pret-a-Porter 2022 collection of Silk Scarves, consisting of 15 original Designs.

I plan to make 4 collections annually from NW Haute Couture, Pret-a-Porter. I believe that I’d you dream, create, then you will succeed. Dreams come true and beauty will save the world!

I was inspired to create my first collection by meeting and studying with the famous Swiss Textile Designer, Erich Biehle (www.erichbiehle.com). The collection originated thanks to a deep faith in their work, in dreams, in people, and most importantly in love.

Love is Art. Love is drawing.
Love is dedication to your business, and the creation of the first designs.
Love is delivering to family, loved ones, to grateful loyal customers.

I am grateful to my teacher Erich Biehle, who believed in my talent and passed on his knowledge to me, his only student. I have written on this in my book “Natalia Weber, the only student of Erich Biehle”. The book can be purchased on Amazon.

I have love for my team, which is faithfully by my side in the work process.

The history and achievements of the NW Fashion House of Accessories is an idea to transform and decorate this world!
The projects were created in a happy union, training, and work process between me and Erich Biehle. Our joint projects include designs for Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Valentino, Balenciaga, Michael Kors, Bogner, and fashion houses in Paris inspired me to study with the Genius Designer in his Atelier in Zurich.

Erich has always supported me in all my undertakings, plans and ideas!

The love for beauty that I absorbed as a little girl in my childhood, this special world, faith in myself in people, in the idea that all dreams come true with perseverance, faith and love to make this world more beautiful and fashionable.

But when a person has dreams, sometimes they still don’t know how to achieve them, where to find opportunities, means, ways... But your confidence in the final result is so great that you do not even doubt that you will succeed! Beauty will save the world!

My teacher Designer Erich Biele

Erich Biele is the creator of Exclusive Fabric Designs, a world-famous Swiss Designer of Haute Couture and Pret-a-Porter Textiles, and has worked personally with famous Couturier Fashion Designers in Paris including Yves Saint Laurent, Givenchy, Balenciaga, Dior, Chanel Lanvin, Ungaro, Pierre Cardin, and Michael Kors. In June 2014, Erich Biele received the Grand Prix Award, the Swiss Prize, the best textile designer in the world.

My goal is to create the highest quality product made in Switzerland.
Erich Biehle advised me to partner with the Mitludi Swiss Factory, an ecological textile firm in the canton of Glarus, which specializes professionally in silk. From this factory, Erich Biehle made many orders for fabrics, with his Designs for Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent, and many other fashion houses in Paris.